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地址:中国上海市闵行区马桥镇, 茜浦泾路2000号




课程详情 学校简介 学校地址 网上报名

关键词:国际文凭组织大学预科课程(IBDP) 美国留学 培训课程

The International Baccalaureate? (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) is for students aged 16-19.

Find out moreabout the DP, including information on pathways to university and employment and on who can offer the programme.

What is the DP?

Research suggests that there are many benefits to choosing the DP. The programme aims to develop students who have excellent breadth and depth of knowledge – students who flourish physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically.

Find outmore about the DP.

The DP curriculum

The DP curriculum is made up of six subject groups and the DP core, comprising theory of knowledge (TOK), creativity, activity, service (CAS) and the extended essay.

Through the DP core, students reflect on the nature of knowledge, complete independent research and undertake a project that often involves community service.

Read about theDP curriculum.

Assessment and exams

The International Baccalaureate? (IB) assesses student work as direct evidence of achievement against the stated goals of the Diploma Programme (DP) courses.

Read aboutassessment and exams.

There is information ongetting results, including information on how to request that an exam is remarked.

Who is the DP for?

The DP is open to any student aged 16 to 19, at schools that have been authorized to implement the programme.

Learn more aboutstudents in the DP.

Resources for DP schools

From professional development opportunities to the IB’s online curriculum centre (OCC), educators are given access to a range of resources that help them to teach and develop.





德威学校是英国更古老的私立男子学校之一,1619年始创于伦敦南部。德威教育集团(DCI)的成立,将德威教育的办学理念延伸至全球。如今,德威已成为发展更快的英国独立学校集团之一。通过德威教育集团,德威学校进入亚洲已经有十多年历史,我们的教育以追求卓著的学术成果和全面发展的个体著称,在东西方的社区间架设起沟通的桥梁。上海德威是卓绝个加入德威国际学校大家庭的。如今,德威学校的网络已经拓展至五个guojia的八个城市,拥有7200多名学生,包括在伦敦, 北京, 苏州, 首尔, 新加坡和仰光开办的国际学校以及在苏州与珠海开办的国际高中。

  • 学校名称:上海德威英国国际学校


    授课地址:中国上海市闵行区马桥镇, 茜浦泾路2000号 预约参观