课程详情 学校简介 学校地址 网上报名
关键词:上海职场英语在线课程 其他英语 培训课程
level 1 | 办公室一般事务 | General Affairs |
1 | 职场寒暄 | Grettings in workplace |
2 | 认识办公室环境 | Office environment |
3 | 新工作上路 | New job |
4 | 处理留言 | Processing the message |
5 | 寻求或提供协助 | To seek and provide help |
6 | 办公室日常事务 | Daily office routine |
7 | 使用办公设备及工具 | Office equipment and tools |
8 | 办公室守则 | Office rules |
level 2 | 职场上沟通与运用 | Communication in the Workplace |
1 | 安排会议 | Conference arrangement |
2 | 内部沟通与交流 | Internal communications |
3 | 拜访客户 | Visiting clients |
4 | 洽谈业务 | Business negotiations |
5 | 银行业务 | Banking business |
6 |
Tax issues |
7 | 办公室闲聊 | Office gossip |
8 | 与同事社交 | Working together with colleagues |
level 3 | 人才招募与发展 | Staff Recruitment and Development |
1 | 就业准备 | Employment preparation |
2 | 求职面试 | Job interview |
3 | 招聘甄选 | Recruitment and selection |
4 | 新人报到 | Introduce yourself |
5 | 新进员工教育训练 | Education training |
6 | 激励员工 | Motivation |
7 | 绩效评价与改进 | Evaluation and improvement in performance |
8 | 表扬与奖励 | Praise and reward |
level 4 | 商务交际通 | Corporate Hospitality Business |
1 | 管理和领导 | Management and leadership |
2 | 工作问题 | Work concerns |
3 | 员工问题 | Staff concerns |
4 | 公司与组织简介 | Companies and organizations |
5 | 企业招待 | enterprises |
6 | 出差事宜 | On business matters |
7 | 建立关系 | Establish relations |
8 | 股票市场 | Stock market |
level 5 | 商务简报与会议研讨 | Presentation and Disclosure |
1 | 产品介绍 | Product introduction |
2 | 产品组合规划 | Product-mix planning |
3 | 产品开发及销售 | Product development and sales |
4 | 营销与市场调查 | Marketing and market research |
5 | 销售业绩检讨 | Sales performance review |
6 | 顾客服务 | Customer service |
7 | 客户满意度调查 | Customer satisfaction investigation |
8 | 客诉与紧急状况处理 | Customer complaint and emergency handling |
level 6 | 业务拓展与招商 | Expand Internationally |
1 | 广告宣传方案 |
2 | 广告和促销 | Advertising and promotion |
3 | 商务活动筹办 | Business activities |
4 | 国际商展设摊现场 | International trade show |
5 | 展览招商 | The exhibiton and China merchants |
6 | 新产品上市 | New product lunch |
7 | 进一步询价 | Enquiry |
8 | 样品与订单细节 | Samples and order details |
level 7 | 贸易和市场活动 | Trading and Market Activity |
1 | 采购协商 | Purchasing negotiation |
2 | 细节谈判 | Details of negotiations |
3 | 交易磋商与签约 | Trading consultaiton and sign up |
4 | 质量管理 | Quality control |
5 | 出货与配送 | Shipment and delivery |
6 | 营销策划 | Marketing planing |
7 | 财务与预算 | Financial and budget |
8 | 品牌力量 | Brand power |
level 8 | 企业发展 | Corporate Development |
1 | 网络及电子商务 | Network and E-commerce |
2 | 内部与外包 | Internal and outsource |
3 | 供应链协商 | The supply chain to negotiate |
4 | 合作与经销 | Cooperation and distribution |
5 | 销售代理协议 | Sales agency agreement |
6 | 企业经营之道 | The way of enterprise management |
7 | 兼并与收购 | merger and acquisition |
8 | 风险和危机管理 | Risk and crisis management |
授课地址:上海市徐汇区宜山路455号光启城办公区2001号(20楼) 预约参观