2021-12-22 12:04:27|已浏览:433次
环球雅思宝藏学员故事 我撞柱子上了,他们捂嘴偷笑 !先给大家报个喜,今天故事的主人公在最近的一次口语考试中,遇到了人美心善的女考官,于是发挥得不错,答题充满活力,惹得这考官频频咧嘴笑。
最后姑娘斩获了5.5的分数,比上次成绩高了0.5,心情愉悦值蹭蹭上涨,学习劲头更足了。 我们的课程还在继续,最近一次的课上,讲到 很多人微笑的场合 那道题,姑娘题还没看仔细,就情绪激动地给我讲起了故事。 她有一次和男朋友吃饭回来,走在去宿舍的路上。刚开始俩人因为有些争吵,一前一后地走,姑娘在前面赌气不语,男孩儿在她身后慢慢踱步。 这时路对面出现了大声争吵的声音,姑娘好奇心发作,转头看了起来,因为有点儿远,根本听不清具体那帮人在吵什么,但是姑娘依旧饶有兴致地一边走路一边看向街对面。 走着走着,毫无防备的她突然撞在了柱子上,确切地说是高大坚硬的电线杆子上。Duang!与此同时,夜晚的街道回荡起姑娘洪亮的一声 啊 !男朋友见状迅速跑了过来,先是关切地问:疼不疼?然后放声大笑起来。对面争吵的人群戛然而止,看向姑娘的方向,目瞪口呆。从姑娘身边走过的行人,纷纷捂嘴偷笑。 一时间,姑娘将这街上人群的表情尽收眼底,觉得自己蠢得像头猪,哭笑不得。男朋友继续抿嘴笑,扶起姑娘,拉着她的手继续往前走了。 整个事件发生在三分钟之内,我的这位宝藏学员叙述了足足五分钟,加上她那无法自控的兴奋表情,讲得眉飞色舞,的确很有吸引力。而且,整个故事情节,非常符合这道题目的要求:过去的事件,很多人,微笑。 接下来,分享素材全文给大家。 I would love to describe an occasion when I made many people smile.It was two years ago, one night, my boyfriend and I finished ourdinner and we were on the way back to the dormitory. We had some arguments, so we were not walking together. He was following me slowly and I was sulking and walking really fast in front. Suddenly,I heard some strange noise coming from the other side of the street.Many people were shouting loudly at each other and it seemed that they were about to fight; I became curious but I didn t stop walking. I looked at their direction interestedly while slowing my steps. Without any preparation, I bumped my head onto a pole. It was a telephone pole, so big and hard and huge. I screamed the moment I felt the pain and sat on the ground. It was a horrible feeling. What made me even more speechless was that those people stopped arguing and turned their heads to me with a shocking expression. I noticed that some of them covered their mouths and smiled quietly. Somep edestrians who walked past me also smiled and looked at me with a funny look. At the same time, my boyfriend rushed to me and laughed extremely loudly. He said: What s your problem, lady? Honestly, I had no strength to talk back. I felt like a stupid big. Anyways, this is my story of seeing many people smiling. I don t want it to happen again.