2022-07-22 12:01:18|已浏览:545次
在行为经济学中, 损失厌恶 指的是人们通常在心理或情感上认为真实或潜在的损失比同等的收益会更令人难以忍受的现象。例如,失去100美元的痛苦往往比找到同样数量的钱所获得的快乐要大得多。
in behaviora economics"ossaversion"refers to the phenomenon that people usually psychologically or emotionally think that real or potential losses will be more unbearable than equivalent gains.For examplethe pain oflosing$100 is often much greater than the joyof
inding thesameamountomoney
This is because when profits reach a certainlevel and then continue to moveupwardthe positive value brought to people is quitelimited.For examplewhenweinvestin$100andearn$10at the beginningwe will feel very happybut the difference in satisfaction brought byearning$50 and $60 is not as greatas before.
However people have a completelydifferent attitude towards loss.With the increaseofthe loss amount the negative value brought to people will continue toriseThereforetheloss of $100 will bring us much greater pain.