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剑桥雅思15Test1Passage2阅读答案解析及及词汇Driverless cars今天就来为大家分析这个问题。
Driverless cars
剑桥雅思15 Test1 Passage2阅读答案解析及常考词汇
对应原文:C部分第1段:At present,the average car spends more than 90 percent of its life parked.
答案解析:原文指出,“目前,平均每辆车有90%以上的时间都停泊不动”。其中parked与not in use对应,more than 90 percent of its life对应the maount of time,由此确定答案为C。
对应原文:B部分:One frequently cited motive is safety…Another aim is to free the time people spend driving for other purposes…those who are challenged by existing mobility models may be able to enjoy significantly greater travel autonomy.
对应原文:E部分第1段:drivers will have the freedom to select one that best suits their needs for a particular journey
答案解析:E部分提到,“司机有自由选择最适合他们某一出行需求的车辆”。其中freedom对应opportunity,select对应choosing,most appropriate对应best suits,particular journey对应each trip,由此确定E为正确答案。
对应原文:G部分:It’s clear that there are many challenges that need to be addressed but…these can most probably be conquered within the next 10 years.
答案解析:G部分开头提到,“虽然有许多挑战等待解决,但这些问题很有可能在未来10年内得到解决”。其中next 10 years对应how long,conquered对应overcome,由此锁定答案。
对应原文:D部分第2段:This faster rate of turnover may mean that vehicle production will not necessarily decrease.
第19题答案:human error
对应原文:B部分第1段:research at the UK’s Transport Research Laboratory has demonstrated that more than 90 percent of road collisions involve human error as a contributory factor
答案解析:根据Transport Research Laboratory定位到B部分的这句话。原文中提到,90%以上的交通事故都涉及人为犯错的因素。题干中due to对应contributory factor,由此确定human error为正确答案。
对应原文:C部分:Automation means that initiatives for car-sharing become much more viable
对应原文:D部分第3段:Modelling work by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute suggests automated vehicles might reduce vehicle ownership by 43 percent
答案解析:根据University of Michigan和43 percent定位到D部分的这句话。题干问的是哪方面的数量会有下降,只有ownership填上去语义合适,由此确定它为答案。
对应原文:D部分第3段:but that vehicles’average annual mileage would double as a result.
对应原文:B部分第2段:If the vehicle can do some or all of the driving,it may be possible to be productive,to socialise or simply to relax
答案解析:原文中提到,“如果汽车能够自动驾驶,那么人们就可以工作、社交或者仅仅是放松一下”,对应C选项doing something other than driving,由此判断C为正确答案。
对应原文:B部分第2段:If the vehicle can do the driving,those who are challenged by existing mobility models?such as older or disabled travellers?may be able to enjoy significantly greater travel autonomy.
答案解析:原文中提到,“无人驾驶可以使那些受困于目前出行模式的人,比如老年人或者残疾人,享受更大的出行自主权”。D选项physically difficult对应older or disabled travellers,independently对应autonomy,由此判断它为正确答案。A选项错在car travellers(是汽车生产商节省成本,而非司机);B选项和E选项原文中都未曾提及。
对应原文:F部分:the societal changes that may be required for communities to trust and accept automated vehicles
答案解析:F部分提到其中一项困难是“让公众信任和接受自动化车辆”。A选项中confidence对应trust and accept,由此锁定答案。
对应原文:F部分:technical difficulties in ensuring that the vehicle works reliably in the infinite range of traffic,weather and road situations it might encounter
答案解析:F部分同时还提到了自动化汽车的技术困难,即“确保汽车在各种可能遇到的交通、天气和道路状况下都能够可靠地行驶”。E选项中various different driving conditions即对应交通、天气和道路状况,由此判断它为正确答案。B选项,C选项和D选项在原文中都未提及,因此统统排除。
overcome v.克服
例句:He struggled to overcome his shyness.他努力克服自己的羞怯。
manufacture v.生产,制造
例句:If the media can manufacture stories like this,who are we supposed to believe?如果媒体可以编出这样的故事,我们还能相信谁呢?
scheme n.计划,方案
例句:The money will be used for teacher training schemes.这笔钱将用于教师培训计划。
flexibility n.灵活性
例句:Employees expect flexibility in the workplace.员工们期望能够灵活办公。
vehicle n.车辆,交通工具
例句:Are you the driver of this vehicle?你是这辆汽车的驾驶员吗?
horizon n.地平线
例句:Business is good now,but there are a few problems on the horizon.目前的生意很好,但有几个问题已初露端倪了。
trial n.尝试,实验
例句:The new drug is undergoing clinical trials.这种新药正在进行临床试验。
collision n.碰撞
例句:A giant iceberg was on a collision course with the ship.巨大的冰山正在朝着可能与船发生相撞的方向漂移。
mobility n.移动
例句:It improves the strength and mobility of joints.它能提高关节的力量和灵活性。
autonomy n.自主性
例句:Teachers are given considerable individual autonomy.教师被赋予相当大的个人自主权。
implication n.含义
例句:The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.他那篇文章的含意是,当家庭主妇远远不如所有其他职业。
initiative n.倡议,新方案
例句:a government initiative to combat unemployment政府应付失业问题的新方案
investigate v.调查
例句:The state police are investigating the incident.州警察正调查此事。
intensively adv.密集地
例句:The land here has been intensively cultivated for generations.这片土地经过了几代人的集约耕作.
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