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雅思time management范文及答案


2023-06-12 16:04:14|已浏览:44次

备考雅思口语则需要多积累雅思口语话题,本文为大家带来了雅思time management范文及答案,要积累该话题的小伙伴赶快来看看吧。

雅思time management范文及答案

1 Do you make plans every day?

Sure I do.I use my phone apps to organize my schedule for the upcoming week.You know,I like to set reminders for important events or mark them on my calendar.I also set alarms in case I forget something.

2 Is it easy to manage time?

I find it pretty easy,really.I am a very organized person,in general.I use phone apps to organise myself?the calendar function and notes section.And I just have a good memory and a methodical,pragmatic approach to managing tasks and time.

3 Do you think it's useful to plan your time?

I find planning every half hour increment is essential to maximize my productivity during the workdays.Although I'm very spontaneous on the weekend and I try to relax a little bit and not think about time unless I really have to.

4 Do you like being busy?

I quite enjoy being busy,if I don't have too much to do that it becomes overwhelming.As long as I have enough time to do everything I need to do,and that most of the tasks are not unbearable,then yes,I enjoy being busy.

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