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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a city y


2023-06-12 16:04:21|已浏览:146次


Describe a city you would recommend as a nice place to live(not your hometown)

You should say

What it is

Where it is

What you know about this place

And explain why you recommend it as a nice place to live


The city I want to live in in the future is Xiamen,a coastal metropolis located in the southeast corner of China,thousands of miles away from here.But the transport is pretty convenient.There are many express trains and several flights to and from there every day.You can easily buy a ticket and have a trip on a whim.


I first learnt about this city from the history textbook back in secondary school,which detailed how it was used as a trading point with foreign businessmen after the opium war.But at that time,it was just another city that I needed to memorize to cope with the exam.After I got enrolled in the university,one of my roommates,who is also my best friend,comes from there,and he is so proud of his hometown,always bragging about its food,beautiful sceneries,fresh air,and advanced economy.


The city is famous for Gulangyu,a small island off its coast and a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.As a place of residence for Westerners during Xiamen’s colonial past,this island is renowned for its architecture and for hosting China’s only piano museum,giving it the nickname of“The Town of Pianos”or“The Island of Music.It is a major domestic tourist destination,attracting more than 10 million visitors per year.


But the reason why I want to live there has little to do with this tourist attraction.Born and upbrought in an inland city,the sea always possesses a mysterious enchantment,luring me to get close to it and live by it.And of course,my friend’s boast also contributes to this idea.It is heaven on earth according to his description.


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