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雅思写作大作文范文雅思写作报告类为什么上大学why peop


2023-06-16 16:05:14|已浏览:55次



People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons(for example,new experiences,career preparation,increased knowledge etc.).Why do you think people attend colleges or universities?

You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience.




People primarily enrollin a college or university to achieve the necessary education and degree they require to build a career.Apart from the career,people seek higher studies to gain knowledge,to enhance social status and learn more about diverse cultures.


The current society and its educational structures are far different than they had been a century back when a self-educated person could gain a good career and parents could arrange private tutors to ensure their children’s education.But in today’s world,universities are the authority to declare a person to have the necessary education to be ready for the job.People are going to universities because this is the most common way of getting the education.The sole purpose of a college or university is to ensure the proper theoretical and moral education to build the ideal citizens the country needs and this is the system which is unquestionably accepted by the society.People who do not have the plan to use their certificate to get a job either because they have other career plans or may be blessed with inherited fortune.


Many go to these educational institutes to learn values,gather ideas and education they require to be good humans.In fact,education is a borderline between a savage person and a good man and this is another reason the society has adopted the idea of education for all.


Some people go to universities to get further education to enhance their horizon or to improve their job position and salary.Others go to the colleges and universities to let the world know that they are educated.Funny this may seem but many people simply consider the higher education as the status they require to get a higher position in the society.


In conclusion,education,experiencing diverse cultures and customs,getting prepared for the future career,improving job position,subject matter interests and social status are the main reasons for people to attend colleges and universities.


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