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因学网 > 新闻资讯 > 外语培训 >  2022年5月雅思口语新题part1:Computers



2023-06-19 16:04:53|已浏览:85次



1 In what situations would you use a computer?

I usually use a computer for work. I used to use a computer for playing games and reading the news, too, but now I do these things on my phone and tablet ? so, yes, I only use my computer for work really.

2 When was the first time you used a computer?

I first used a computer when I was in middle school. A friend of mine invited me round to his house and his father had one. I can’t remember what type it was now, but it had some fun games. I was very excited about it at the time.

3 What will your life be like without computers?

Well, I can’t imagine how I’d write essays and do my studies, but apart from that I think my life would be okay ? I do everything else on my phone and tablet.

4 In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?

It would be hard for me to use a computer while on public transport, or in my grandmother’s house in the countryside. You see, I work online mainly, and the internet is terrible in her village.

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