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2023-06-27 16:05:09|已浏览:52次



Describe a historical building in your country.

You should say:

where it is

when and who you went with

what it is like

and explain why you think you wanted to visit it.

I don’t think you can talk about historical buildings in China without mentioning one of the most recognizable buildings in the world,the Great Wall.It is located in the north of China,with some parts close to the capital,Beijing.

I visited it with my parents and siblings during a summer vacation a few years ago.Unfortunately this is peak season as the weather is glorious and people like to travel during this period,so it was jam-packed.The Great Wall is one of China’s premier tourist attractions and as such is a major draw.

The Wall itself was fantastic.As it is an ancient structure,parts of it are ruined due to the effects of time,but other parts have been reconstructed for tourists in order for them to see how it would have looked,as well as making it safe to climb.When you look out across the hills and mountains,it seems to go on forever,as far as the eyes can see.

I wanted to visit the Great Wall as it is an iconic building in China,no trip to Beijing is complete without a jaunt out to the Wall.As far as I’m concerned it has a timeless quality and I could spend all day walking up and down it.It was voted one of the Seven New Wonders of the World and people say it is visible from space,although this is actually a misconception.


Machu Picchu in southern Peru is a very interesting historic place and I have a great interest about his historic place.Though I have not visited this place in person,but I would definitely love to be there someday.I mostly learned about this place from one of my friends who visited there and from TV,internet and newspapers.

Machu Picchu is located in Machupicchu District in southern Peru and it is historically connected with the 15th-century Inca civilization.It is located in 2,430 meters or around 7,970 feet area above the sea level.This place lies on top of a mountain and is a very popular destination for the tourist all around the world.This place is referred as the"Lost city of the Incas"and it was named as one of the 7 wonders of the world in 2007.UNESCO nominated it as a world heritage in the year 1983.

This historic place was built as an estate for the Pachacuti emperor of the Inca civilization in around 1450,and is considered as the most significant and familiar icon of the Inca civilization.

A tourist can see the finest work of the Inca civilization there and can learn many thing about this civilization.Apart from the ruins and cultural icons,one can enjoy the great beauty surrounding this place.The sunset time is awesome and eye witnessing the hills is something unforgettable.The Inca bridge is interesting to hike,and the scattered stones in the place is a different experience one can get.The Condor,Steps,Falling stairs,Temples,Sacred Rock,Llamas and other Animals,Inca Trail will all blow your mind and would remind you that you are visiting one of the 7 wonders of the world.

This is an interesting place due to the vast area and iconic meaning of the Inca civilization.There are a lot to see,a lot to do and enjoy and being at one of the 7 wonders of the world is something a visitor will never forget.This place takes us to the past,in the time when Inca nation were there,and taught us how advanced they were as they have been able to build such a place with virtually no technological advancement of modern technology.

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