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海派国际教育是经中华人民共和国教育部批准的国际教育交流的专业机构,致力于建设一个向国际教育产业上下游延伸的一站式国际教育交流平台。基于丰富的国内外院校资源和市场优势,海派向中外学生和院校提供专业服务。旗下拥有:国际交流中心、留学服务中心、外语培训中心、翻译中心。Approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Shaanxi Happy International Education Co.,Ltd is an organization specializing in international education exchanges. The company is dedicated to building a one-stop exchange platform extending both upstream and downstream of the international education industry. Based on its rich domestic and foreign educational institution resources and market advantages, Shaanxi Happy International Education Co.,Ltd provides professional services for students and educational institutions at home and abroad. The company is composed of International Exchange Center, Scholarly Exchange Service Center, Foreign Language Training Center, and Translation Center.国际交流中心本着“读万卷书,行万里路”的宗旨,推出海外交流体验项目,其主要分五大类:中小学生海外交流体验团、亲子海外交流体验团、教师海外培训交流团、大学生海外短期学习体验、成人海外短期学习交流。The International Exchange Center launches many foreign exchange experience programs with the belief of “reading ten thousand books and travelling ten thousand miles”. These programs can be categorized into five types: foreign exchange experience programs for primary and secondary students, foreign exchange experience programs for parents and children, foreign training and exchange programs for teachers, short-term foreign study programs for university students, and short-term foreign study and exchange programs for adults.留学服务中心每年向众多学生推荐数十个国际a及上千所海外院校,并根据学生的需求和自身特点,提供个性化的留学方案,帮助学生实现出国深造的梦想。The Scholarly Exchange Service Center introduces dozens of countries and hundreds of educational institutions to thousands of students every year. According to students’ demands and characteristics, the center provides customized plans to help each student realized his/her dream to study abroad.